May-Thurner Syndrome, Stent Placement & DVT: One Year Later!

Mummy Confession: I’ve been REALLY bad about updating this blog this year. There are a few reasons. One is definitely my tolerance for sitting in front of a computer in a chair for long periods of time has decreased drastically. It’s been a year since the discovery of a DVT (which I probably had for 10 days before realising). A year ago, I walked, limped really, around in pain wondering why that “pulled muscle” just hadn’t resolved after ten days and the just wouldn’t touch it anymore. I put off getting medical help until I was in excruciating pain Read More

Life Update: Round 2

Mummy Confession: Sometimes life gets busy. That’s where I am right now. So much is happening here, and is having a bit of an impact on the Blog, as you see a bit less being posted lately. I apologise, as it’s just gone a bit crazy over here! Sickness after Sickness… My babies seem to be on the never ending carousel of illnesses as winter powers on here. As we know, the common cold is a pit of misery, and a cough on top is even more miserable. Multiply that by three and add in a Mum and occasionally Dad Read More