Inspirational Mamas: Pam and Her Journey with Diastasis Recti, Part 2

In case you missed the first part, go back here and read the beginning of Pam’s journey with Diastasis Recti. Pam has been amazing to share her journey here, and I truly appreciate reading her story! I hope you are inspired as you continue to read! Read other inspirational mamas stories here. Disclosure: If you are concerned about possibly having diastasis, please speak with your doctor. This article is intended as a personal story and experience and by no means should be used in the place of medical and professional opinion and diagnosis. Pam’ Journey with Diastasis Recti (Continued) In Read More

Pregnancy and Parenting Communities: Support for Parents Online

Mummy Confession: I am making things up as I go with this whole parenting thing. Yes, even after three kids. Pregnancy is hard. Post partum is hard. Parenting is hard. Once you start on the whole journey, there is no pause button. You run on food fumes and next to no sleep (if your babies are anything like mine) all while trying to keep this precious baby sustained (and other children if you have more than one). I’ve read all the advice of “put yourself first”, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”, and “a little crying won’t hurt them,” Read More