Mummy Confession: This is my Laundry Room. The never ending vortex of doom. It just keeps piling up. The job that’s never done. And it’s funny. All of the kids are sick now, plus one teething (ie “don’t you dare put me down or leave me alone, and you can forget about an easy sleep.”) and one toilet training (ie. “I’m big and I won’t thoroughly soak my bed linens every night…”). This means the laundry is constantly piling up and never-ending. As a matter of fact, just after waking this morning, my baby coughed quite a bit and then Read More
Tag: stay at home mum
How to Save Money and Earn Money At Home
(This article is current as of January 1, 2024) Mummy Confession: I’m an avid deal-seeker on anything and everything I buy, and I like to pass the ways I’ve found to save and even make a little back on, too! Disclosure– For some of these links, I will receive points or rewards for friend referrals. This in no way affects my opinions of these pages, and I have only posted ones from which I have actually signed up with, so I know they are legitimate sites. If you do not want to use the links below, feel free to type Read More