Mummy Review: I’m a light sleeper. My babies tend to be ones who roll around endlessly during their sleep hours, making it fun for anyone to keep them sleeping. We had the chance to try the Grobag and GroEgg together, and I’m hoping we’ve turned a corner in a bit more settled and easy sleep, as well as keeping with safe sleeping guidelines.
To see the reviews for the GroEgg2, Ollie the Owl, and GroBag Swaddle feel free to go here.
*Disclosure: I was gifted the Gro Bag and Gro Egg in exchange for my honest review and opinion. This in no way effects what I have written or think about these products. They have also answered a few questions about their products that I had asked below.
As you may have read, we have co-slept in the past, but as the littlest is now all over the place, he can no longer safely be in my bed. I needed to find a way for my baby to sleep safely and soundly throughout the night. When I was given the chance to review the GroBag and GroEgg, I jumped at the opportunity, as I hoped it would bring more sleep for me and for baby!
Enter the Gro Egg and the Gro Bag.

The GroEgg is a nursery thermometer which changes colour to indicate temperature, and displays the temperature digitally as well. It comes with a guide as well on how to dress Baby according to the temperature an indicates ideal temperatures. This takes the guesswork out of wondering if baby is too hot or cold! It doubles as a nightlight!
The GroEgg is meant to be used alongside the GroBag, another Gro Company product, as the various togs of sleeping bags are tailored to various temperatures, and alongside to layers in accordance with temperature guidelines. There is a handy guide in the pamphlet as well as on their website for further help.
I found the temperature to be accurate, and have no complaints, as it did display properly as well as change colour according to the temperature. I found it great as a nightlight as well as the fact that I didn’t have to turn a light on in order to read the temperature (or even enter the room). I could just go by the colour displayed and adjust the temperature accordingly.
As well as the pamphlet inside that talks about the GroEgg, the Egg itself has the colour coding (which are logical choices for colours if you think about it) so you can tell what the range in which the temperature lies, and whether you need to alter it.
The GroEgg is powered by plugging it into an outlet. This does mean cords, and you obviously need to ensure you safely put it out of children’s curious reach. The plug, however, is not attached permenantly, but is removeable from the back. I would love if they offered a cordless option, but from my own experience with rechargeable cordless products, they can’t usually go all night without having to be recharged again anyways.
The GroEgg also comes with cute covers as well, if you prefer the look over just the egg shape. This is definitely a bonus if you are looking for something a little more like an animal shape.

Upon taking this out of the packaging, I can feel this is made of quality material. The tog thickness is 2.5, so not too thin, but not too thick. Great for the autumn season. It also comes with a thermometer for the 0-6 months and 6-18 months sizes, and information of how to dress your child according to the temperature. So, if you don’t happen to have a GroEgg, you do have this thermometer. Though, it’s far easier to read the GroEgg, especially in the dark.

The great this about this sleeping bag is that there is no need to use blankets or wonder if baby is warm enough. There is no frustration about your child kicking off the covers and being cold either.
In our experience with it, the sizing was quite generous, and the 6-18 month size fit my child who is in a size 1 as well as my child in a size 2 (but just barely). It helped a lot to regulate the temperature and baby slept a bit deeper because of it. When bub wasn’t teething, he slept very well through the night with minimal wake-ups which was refreshing for everyone! Even my other child loved how it kept her warm and cozy.
Our house was around 19-20 degrees at 2.5tog GroBag we needed a long sleeve shirt/onesie along with the GroBag itself. This did exceptionally well, and my baby had some nice sleeps. We have liked the GroBag so far, and are hoping in time, it will be a good part of his nighttime routine to indicate that it is time for sleep.

The Pattern– I absolutely love this adorable print, and I believe it is fairly unisex. The hot air balloons and animals is a clever print, and both me and my children were fans.
The Zippers– The GroBag has two zippers. It zips from top to bottom, not bottom to top like most baby products I’m used to! This means no pokey zipper bits on baby’s face! It also makes it easy to change. The second zipper at the bottom allows for you to have minimal opening when strapping a belt through when baby is in the pram.
Belt Hole in Back– A small slit which you can easily lace a pram belt through! Minimal opening, so less disturbing for a possibly sleeping bub! It velcros shut, so it’s not an issue when not in use as well.
Buttons at the bottom– To keep the zippers covered from prying fingers, or just out of the way, there is a little piece of fabric and some buttons to cover them.
Sleeveless Design– while I first thought, “why sleeveless when it’s more a transitional or winter suit?” It makes sense so that bub doesn’t overheat. You can layer their Grosuit or other clothing according to their guide on how to dress Baby. You can see the full answer to my question here.
Sizing– The size ranges for the GroBag is 0-6 months, 6-18 months, and 18-36 months. While the sizing may sound a bit ridiculous, it works well. My tall baby fits the 6-18 month size, and so does my middle child (who is a tiny thing way over 18 months). The sizing is generous, which is great, and means you have it last longer! (They even have a 3-6 and 6-10 year GroBag, but it isn’t currently in stock at the moment!)
Mummy Confessions Scale for Sleeping Bags-
Easy to put on: 4/5 – With a baby who just wants to go, it does get a tad difficult, but just because you need to get the zipper together at the top.
Stays on: 5/5
Easy to change baby in: 5/5 – The two zippers make it super easy!
Easy to take off: 5/5 – So simple!
Appropriate thickness for seasons available: 5/5 – They offer options from .2tog to 3.5tog
Baby likes it? So-so. He’s not a fan of sleep.
Material: 5/5 – Great breathable material, not too heavy, but warm!
Sizing: 5/5 – The three size ranges are great, offering choice for various sized children…especially cool that they have up to a size 10 once stock is back!
Overall Rating of Gro Bag: I definitely rate this 5/5 overall, as all of the options for this Sleeping Bag definitely mean there is one out that that should work for your baby (if they like sleeping bags)!
Questions I asked The Gro Company:
Why does the GroBag have a sleeveless design?
We believe that Baby Sleep Bags should be sleeveless to aid heat loss and air circulation. (Babies sleeping under traditional blankets rarely sleep with their arms inside). The new British Standard also stipulates that Baby Sleep Bags should be “without sleeves or hoods”. In cooler weather, we recommend long-sleeve bodysuits, in addition to a long-sleeved pyjama top, pyjamas or a sleepsuit.
What else can I use with the GroBag and GroEgg?
You should use your Grobag instead of blankets and sheets. The only other bedding required is a bottom sheet. Grobags are designed to replace blankets and sheets. They come in three tog (warmth) ratings for your individual baby and the temperature of your baby’s sleeping place. Duvets, quilts and pillows should not be used for babies under 1 year old and never with a Baby Sleep Bag. The Lullaby Trust recommend that the safest place for your baby to sleep is in a cot or crib in your room for the first six months. Important: never use your Grobag Baby Sleep Bag with a duvet or quilt.
· Gro-Suit– The Gro-suit is intended for use with a Grobag in cold weather or in room temperatures of 18°C or under. They are most suited to be used with a 2.5 tog or 3.5 tog Grobag.
If your room is under 16°C and you’re using a 2.5 tog Grobag you should add a vest underneath your Gro-suit. However, if you’re using a 3.5 tog Grobag you only need to use the Gro-suit underneath.
If your room is under 14°C you should ideally look to increase the temperature of the room, or use a 3.5 tog Grobag, with Gro-suit and vest.
· Gro Friends (Please remove from a sleeping baby. Soft toys should not be left in a babies cot)
· Gro Egg Shell
· Gro Muslins
· Gro Light
· Gro Anywhere Blind
Which tog do you recommend for which seasons (or where can I find that information)?
We recommend choosing the tog per temperature of the Nursery which is how our Grobags work hand in hand with our Groegg Nursery thermometer product.
We then have our What to Wear Guide available on our website for further assistance on how to dress your little one during sleep.
You can find further information about the Gro Company and their range of products at
brilliant idea! Saving this for later!
Thank you! I love this option for sleep! It’s great to keep bub warm and cozy at night!
I love all of these products! So cute!
I’m just as passionate about you are as giving our little ones the best sleep for their brain development. Feel free to read my ebook about why sleep and crawling is so important for our little ones.
Great post! That looks like a fantastic sleep sack for baby!!! Your kiddos are adorable ❤️
Grobags were a godsend for us as Little Man was and is still such a fidget. We had the egg too. Great little company. Thanks for linking up to #TriumphantTales, really hope to see you back on Tuesday 🙂
They are such an innovative company! I love discovering all these great products that make life just a little easier for us mums!
I love Grobags, we bought a few for Ben as a baby but our room is the hottest in the house so by the time he went into his own room he is used to just a light blanket, but he always pulls it up like a teddy anywho.
I like the idea of the GroEgg but it would be useless for Hubby as he’s colour blind haha!
Thanks for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week
I always hear great reviews about the gro egg and gro bags! I wouldn’t be comfortable using any in the car though. Evidence-based research suggests even thickly padded clothing can decrease the effectiveness of car seats and restraints in the event of an accident.
Thank you! Yes, Lauren, I have read that before. I have actually consulted with The Gro Company and removed that information (I thought I had removed all references to car seat use prior to posting, but I missed one, sorry). Thank you for the reminder! 🙂
We just bought the Grotobed zip in bedding set, hopefully this stops our toddler kicking off her blankets!
The GrotoBed looks like an awesome product! I love seeing all of the things available for kids and babies these days!
I need a good night light for miss 4- these look awesome!
It’s definitely a dual-purpose nightlight! They also have another product called the Gro-light which hooks directly into a light bulb socket and allows for you to have it normal or dim. They make pretty cool products!
Most mums I know have the Gro Egg. It’s one of the first things we bought for our bub. We plugged it in before she was born and tested ourselves on how many layers or long/short sleeves haha. ☺
It helped a lot in the early days to understand what to dress her in at night and we still glance at it every day now she is 6 months.
Thanks for the up close pics of the bag.
It’s a huge help for new mums! It’s always a bit fun in the beginning to figure out how to dress bubs!