Welcome to Mummy Confessions!
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Hi, I’m Amanda!
I go by many titles including wife, mummy, blogger, online shop owner, avid sale-seeker, baby product enthusiast and ex-pat of the US. I reside in Australia and use social media to keep in touch with most of the people in my life.
I am an expert in nothing and an apprentice in everything.
I was a better parent before I had kids. I was a better wife before I was married.
My joy is to help, encourage and inspire others through my writing and creating hampers as well as helping parents find products and services that I’ve found useful in the realm of parenting (as well as comparing options available out there).
I love trying and discovering new products for babies, toddlers, kids and mums! I also love showing people where to find ways to try new products (like becoming a product tester, or finding samples to try), and I’ve even created a little online shop dedicated to helping Aussie mums find great things. All of our hampers are created here in Australia from products found within Australia & New Zealand. ❤️

Lately, I’ve been sharing experiences in the realms of May-Thurner Syndrome, DVTs and the diagnosis, treatment and recovery processes I’ve been through. A reminder to listen to your body and ask for help when you need it (and not feel bad about it).
You may have noticed that the blog updates have fallen a bit by the wayside lately. This is slightly as a result from ongoing medical issues (sitting for too long to type up blogs actually reduces the circulation in my leg) and also as a result of moving to establish my online shop. I’ve left the blog up so the information is still there for anyone who needs it.
The purpose of the blog is to bring the reality of life, motherhood, and other topics to others, by posting helpful content. I also deeply enjoy sharing about products and services that I have loved in order to make motherhood a little less crazy!
The purpose of the online shop is to help mums by creating beautiful, helpful and convenient hampers and gift boxes for mums and babies.
If you are a brand or blogger interested in collaborating, or are anyone who has any questions, suggestions, or comments about the blog or boutique, feel free to contact me using the form below, message my Facebook Page, or email MummyConfessions at hotmail.com .
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