Always consult a health professional if you have questions about yourself or your baby. Here are some helpful numbers and websites for you and your journey! For other forums and resources to connect with parents, see my Pregnancy and Parenting Communities post.
Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links by which I earn commissions from qualifying purchases.
Quick Click: To get straight to the helpful bits for you, click the category to skip to that part of the page
Health Resources (Mental and Physical Health & Care)
Helpful Product Information, Overviews & Reviews
Services for Parents (baby equipment hire, meal services, etc)
Hot Tip: Keep a 24hour pharmacy number on hand to check about various dosage and medicine questions! (Ie. “Is it ok for my 2 year old to take such and such if he has taken such and such at this other time?”)
Want a printout of helpful numbers- FREE download available here
For Australia
Always call 000 for life threatening or emergency situations
Helpful Health Resource Numbers&Websites: : A massive list of resources connecting people in crisis with food banks, everyday things, food, clothing, housing, support, counselling and more.
1800 882 436 : Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby Hotline – A 24/7 phone line to call in and ask questions about pregnancy, birth and baby.
Free Video Call to Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse for personal advice and guidance on pregnancy, birth, baby, parenting or raising a child. 7am-midnight/ 7 days a week.
1800 022 222 : Health Direct – A 24/7 phone line to call and inquire about symptoms/health questions and the actions you should take. I have used this number countless times for myself, my children, and my husband. They will advise as to the best course of action (ie. doctor’s visit within a certain time, visit Emergency, or they have sent an ambulance our way once because of the situation). This is a great resource for any person, not just babies and parents, but for any medical issues, especially if you are unsure about visiting Emergency. Website has a symptom checker and more information.
1300 22 4636 : Beyond Blue – Depression and Anxiety Support
1300 227 434 : Karitane Care – Hours vary for phone line. Help on various parenting issues including settling babies, nurtrition, and parenting strategies. Various clinic sites open as well.
1300 272 736 : Tresillian Care – 7am-11pm Phone line for help on various parenting issues including settling babies, nutrition, and parenting strategies. Various clinics open as well.
13 11 14 : Lifeline – A 24/7 support line for personal crisis or if you are thinking about self harm or suicide. Please call for support.
13 11 26 : Poisons Information Hotline – Information line in regards to things touched, ingested, or questions about if something is poisonous. (Website link is NSW page, hotline is all Australia)
1800 050 821 : Family Relationships Australia – A government site with information about family relationship issues.
ParentTV: Helpful Parenting Advice available to stream at your convenience for all sorts of topics (annual subscription available)

CPR & For Babies & Children (Click link) & Additional resources for CPR & First Aid Classesfound at CPR Kids:
First Aid and CPR Courses: StJohnNSW
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia PANDA:
Allergies & Anaphylaxis Information (Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia):
Healthy Hip Information (Healthy Hips Australia):
Safe Sleeping Resources and Information (Red Nose):
Resources for Pelvic Floor Information (Pelvic Floor First):
Child Safety and Babyproofing
Babyproofing Checklist
Toddler safety outdoors
Babyproofing Room-by-room
Other National Free Call Numbers Listed on Pregnancy, Birth and Baby’s Website here.
And Beyond Blue’s Website here
Helpful Product Information, Products, Overviews & Reviews:
Free (and cheap) samples for mum and bub (a big list!):
Nappy reviews (Australian) and experiences:
Breast Pumps (and Reviews):
Prams: Parenting Central, pram expert (Send Her a Message on Facebook to help pick a pram for you!)
Double Prams:
Top Ten: 2017> 2018>
Cheap Prams:
Best Travel Prams:
Best Single to Double Convertible Prams:
Car seats: What are the different Types of Carseats? (Infasecure Article)
A4 style carseats (0-4y) Comparisons:
A4 style Types:
Type G (extended harnessed seats- 6m-8y. Recommended after 2y+) Comparisons:
Nappy Bags (and Reviews):
Baby Monitors (and Reviews):
Anything and everything lunches & lunchboxes found at Kidgredients
Lunchboxes: Reviews and Best Picks:
Best Crunch& Sip/Snack Containers:
Sizing Forcaster for Baby Clothing:
(Estimate your child’s future sizes based on their current age/weight or percentiles)
Services, Guides & Resources for Parents
Anything and everything reviewed at CHOICE
Baby products reviewed by parents:
Tell Me Baby
The Baby Industry
Parent to parent lending service: Tree Hut Village
Meal Subscription Boxes for Aussies Compared and Reviewed:
Online resources and educational resources
Twinkl –Teaching, Planning & Assesment material to support learning from birth. Now with parenting section to help find resources for activities with your children up to age 11.
Twisty Noodle- Printouts and activities to print out for children to colour, practise writing and other activities. Fully customisable. (And handy tip, you can print them out and then laminate them to use for other sensory or tracing activities).
For Worldwide:
Click for a list of Lifeline and Suicide Hotline Numbers to get support.
Unfortunately I am unable to compile a list beyond Australia, so please email me if you have any further resources that would be useful for parents in the US or U.K.! Thank you!