Mummy Confession: I’ve always been jealous of the adorable pacifiers the United States has on offer. The brilliant thing now is that’s they’re available in Australia, too!
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Those first weeks with a baby can be EXHAUSTING! Even though I had gone through it before, my babies always struggled with sleep. Finding the right pacifier proved amazingly helpful in getting broken sleep at least especially with my second baby!
My children were all very picky with their pacifiers. My first found one that worked for her fairly quickly, but this was not so with my second. We sorted through round, orthodontic, and oval shaped soothers, but every one was rejected.
After nine weeks of trying to find something to calm or soothe her apart from me, I was exhausted and sore. At one point, I had nursed her (during those days of cluster feeding) for 7 hours straight, just changing sides and burping her in between. I was ready to surrender.
I decided to put out one last desperate plea for help in the form of a Facebook status update. I requested a friend send the ever popular Avent Soothie Pacifier to my house half a world away, in hopes that maybe one last attempt would calm my child. (This was before they became available over here.) A week later, I received this pacifier and after a good wash, my babe tried it for the first time. She immediately took to it and I was overjoyed. She fell asleep within minutes and I had some much needed relief (and my body was relieved, too).
Even more awesome, this iconic pacifier has a super adorable line of animal friends called the Wubbanub. They help to keep the pacifier in for littler babies, and offer a source of comfort for the older kids. They do not come unattached, so it is a lot easier to find a missing paci (or stop the eternal rolling when it drops to the floor)!
I highly recommend both the pacifier itself and the Wubbanub as a companion piece if you babe takes the soothie. If not, there are other options if you love the amazing accessory that these animals are to keep in place or help locate that ever-disappearing apparatus. Various brands have created pacifier holders (US Amazon link) similar to the Wubbanub in cuteness and handiness. It’s always helpful for those babies who can’t be without their soothers!
Some great news for the Aussies, too! You can now find the Avent Soothie pacifier in grocery stores, baby stores, and some chemists, such as Chemist Warehouse. Yay!
You can find out more about the Avent Soothie range from Avent’s website.
What have you found to be the one thing that helps soothe your child when nothing other than mummy (or daddy) will usually do?

Amelia ended up starting a nursing
Strike because she preferred her pacifier. So we quit it cold turkey at about 4 m. So I am the soother.
Oh wow. We started using pacifiers because bubs would wake up every time I stopped nursing and would cry. They were the only way I could sleep and my babies would stay asleep.