My Child & Food Allergies at Family Gatherings: What You Need to Know About Food Allergies

Mummy Confession: This is my first official holiday season as a mum of a child with known food allergies (and also being on an elimination diet myself of foods that he is allergic to). I’m not feeling very good with words at the moment, but I hope this gets across a little of the anxiety I’m feeling as this season’s festivities start rolling in as a mum to a child with food allergies. I never thought I would have to be the one to be so aware of everything, and I ‘m still learning. I know this holiday season will Read More

Dear Eczema, I loathe you

Disclosure: The following contains a few pictures that picture the medical condition known as eczema, Dear Eczema, I know I’ve expressed a hatred for teething, and a dislike for toilet training, but this goes far beyond that. This isn’t something that happens as the initiation to childhood or as the bitter part of a moment which turns into something beautiful. This is horrendous. Eczema, you have turned my child into an enraged psychopath. You’ve turned change time into a war. I look like a crazy person trying to hold him down while he screams as the fresh air awakes his Read More

Life Update: Round 2

Mummy Confession: Sometimes life gets busy. That’s where I am right now. So much is happening here, and is having a bit of an impact on the Blog, as you see a bit less being posted lately. I apologise, as it’s just gone a bit crazy over here! Sickness after Sickness… My babies seem to be on the never ending carousel of illnesses as winter powers on here. As we know, the common cold is a pit of misery, and a cough on top is even more miserable. Multiply that by three and add in a Mum and occasionally Dad Read More