Pigeon Manual Breast Pump: Efficient Manual Pump

Pigeon (Manual) Breast Pump: A Review

Most Efficient Manual Pump

Disclosure: This pump was received for another review, and I have decided to include it in here as well. As always, I give my honest opinion and I do not recommend products that I don’t love myself. See the disclosure policy for more details. Or why I disclose here.

The Pigeon manual breast pump is a manual pump with two-phase expression available. This is a first as far as I know for manual pumps, and it is very useful when you are expressing to get increased suction to make pumping a little quicker.

Where to find the Pigeon pump: Pigeon Australia’s website or select retailors
Where to find it internationally: See Pigeon’s Website for Other Countries

Pigeon Australia’s Website//Facebook//Instagram


Open or closed system? N/A
Single or double? Single.
Battery operated, plug in, adaptor? Manual
Manual or Electric? Manual.
Varying shield sizes? What are they? Pump comes with 2 different shield sizes and 2 soft shells to put over top. Regular and large sizes.
Soft or hard? Hard or soft. Soft breast shells are included with the pump.
How many phases? 2. You push down the top of the pump to express a bit harder after your milk has started flowing.
Does it adjust speed/suction? It has one adjustment where suction is stronger.
Price? $99.95
Where to buy? Rental Available? It is available for purchase on Pigeon Australia’s website or in select retailers.
Features? Two-phase expressing, funnel “wing” ensures close fit, Ergonomic handle, Easy to assemble, hygienic, Extra soft silicone funnel, BPA free
Other products? Pigeon carries a range of bottles, toys, and mother and baby care products of all sorts.
Compatible bottle system? Yes. Pigeon has a range of bottles with various volumes and sizes. They even carry glass bottles.
Adaptors for other bottle systems? I am unsure of this. However, they have a range of their own bottles that suit the pump.

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My Experience


Ease of use? The Pigeon pump was very easy to use, once I figured out how to make the second phase happen. That was a little over my head at first, but eventually the tired mum figured it out!
Easy to clean? It is very easy to clean and all of the parts come apart well to get everything properly sterelised.
Easy to store? Even fully assembled, it is easy to store. However if you disassemble it, it makes it even more compact. It is a it smaller than other manual pumps to store as well.
Easy to put together? I don’t believe I needed any instructions to assemble this pump, but only to figure out the two phase system.
Parts come apart? The parts all come apart well to clean it properly.


Quiet? Since it is a manual pump, it is quiet as it has no motor. Just the noise of pumping and suction.
Quick? This manual pump is the quickest one that I have used. Having the two-phase expressing allowed the milk to express a lot quicker. It wasn’t as quick as an electric pump, however quicker than hand expressing.
Comfortable? It was fairly comfortable, and the softer shield allows for a better fit when I was using it. You can use it with or without the shield, but I found it worked better with the soft shield.
Suction is sufficient? Yes. The softer shield ensures a good fit and helps with the suction, as well as the two-phase expressing increases the suction as the milk flows.
Portability? Very portable! This pump is small, and if you disassemble it especially, you should be able to fit it easily into a bag to go.
Volume? The included bottle holds 160ml, and you can purchase bottles up to 240ml separately, or breast milk storage bags, too.


Overall, I love the concept here with the two-phase expressing in a manual pump! It definitely makes for quicker pumping than just having a single phase, and the smaller handle was great for my smaller hands. It was easy to pump one-handed. I found it a bit quicker than hand expressing, though it was slower than an electric pump for me. The two included shield sizes with soft funnel covers made it more comfortable for pumping, and helped to keep the suction with the pump. Since Pigeon has a range of bottles, you would have no issues just pumping and giving to baby, as you could just store in the bottles and feed when needed. I found the Pigeon manual pump was great for just packing away for the day out to have as a “just in case.” The only considerations would be that obviously, you may tire after pumping for a while, and it does take longer than an electric pump, but that is to be expected. Manual pumps tend to be a little more affordable than electrics, so this one would work well for a mum who is unsure about whether she wants to express or not.


  • This pump does take longer to express than an electric pump.
  • You hand may get tired after pumping for a little while.
  • There are only two shield sizes available.

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