Mummy Review: When I saw this cosy looking pair of footless pyjamas, I had to ask about trying them to see how they fared for winter!
Disclosure: This product has been provided in exchange for a feature and review, however all opinions are my own, and I only feature products I love. See the full disclosure policy for details.
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I hadn’t heard of baby dee dee before trying to find sleepwear for babies, and I am so glad that I have! This great brand makes some cosy winter sleepwear for babies and toddlers. This particular suit is just one of several options for sleepwear that baby dee dee creates. When I saw this innovative between the legs zipper, I had to check it out!
About the Brand: baby deedee was created by a mum who desired to have a sleeping bag like a cocoon for her baby who had trouble sleeping. She created the Sleep nest sleeping bag, and went on to create other products that help baby’s sleep.
~My Experience~
My baby seemed to like this Sleepsie enough, and I like that the foot is an open foot design, to allow for bigger feet. The fabric was soft and felt breatheable for keeping bub from being too warm at night. The knee and elbow pads are a cute accent and do seem to help a little with my crawling child as he can tend to be hard on his legs and knees. The sizing was good and tight fitting, though it also fit my child who is around a 2-3 size without any issues of being too tight. The colour is gorgeous and perfect for girls or boys.
The Material~ Indian Jersey Cotton. This material feels super soft and comfortable! I wish I had something out of this soft cotton for myself.
The Design~ The simple colours are perfect for this Sleepsie, and I love the minty green colour! The elbow and knee pads add a certain cuteness to the suit as well. It also comes in blue and pink.
The Zippers~ This sleepsuit has two zippers. One regular zipper for putting the sleepsuit on, and one across the bottom to use for nappy changes. The one along the bottom is ingenious and perfect for changing! I found it was easy enough to change with this zipper, and a brilliant idea so baby doesn’t have to get out of the whole suit to change.
Long Sleeve Design~ For the winter months, the long sleeve design is great. It comes in short sleeve as well for summer time, but I love the arms being covered regardless of season to prevent scratching.
Sizing~ This pyjama is very tight fitting and snug. We have the 18-24 Months size and it seems to fit my child who fits well into 12-18 month sizes. I might recommend sizing up The Sleepsie Pajamas come in sizes 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-18 months, 18-24 months, and size 2.
Cost&Where to buy~ baby deedee Website or local retailers
–Worldwide Delivery Available!–
Other Products~ Sleep Nest Sleep Bag, Sleep Kicker, Quilted Footie PJs, Long Sleeve Footless PJs, Short Sleeve Footless PJs, Sleep Quilts, Bedding Sets, Blankies, Sheets& Pillow Cases, and Booties.
Social Media~ Follow baby deedee on baby dee dee’s Website
Mummy Confessions Scale for Winter Sleep Wear-
Easy to put on: 4/5– Because the Zipper along the length of the suit doesn’t go all the way down to the feet, it is a little more difficult to get on a squirmy baby, but not too difficult.
Stays on: 5/5- The suit is tighter fitting, so no issues with baby getting out of it when he shouldn’t.
Easy to change baby in: 4.5/5 – The between the leg zipper makes it especially easy to change baby without waking or taking the entire suit off. It can be a bit hard to zip back up with a squirmy baby, but not that bad.
Easy to take off: 4/5– Quite easy to remove, the tightness makes it a slight challenge with a squirmy baby, but easy enough to remove.
Keeps baby warm in winter: 5/5– The Indian cotton is very soft and warm.
Baby likes it? Baby didn’t seem to have any problems with it, though it was a little long, I just rolled up the legs and it was fine. My size 2-3 child loved the soft feel as well.
Material: 5/5 – Super soft cotton. I love the material!
Sizing: 4/5 – It seemed a little tight fitting. My bub is usually in a 12-18 months and this 18-24 Months size seemed tight, but long on him. You may want to size up depending on how chunky your baby is. It seemed to just fit my size 2-3 child, but wasn’t too tight, somthe matrial does have some stretch.
Overall Rating of baby dee dee : 4.5/5
Overall, I love the soft material, and I love the look with the elbow and knee pads. The material seems breatheable and warm, yet a little tight fitting. I think the between the legs zipper is amazing to have on baby clothing, and would help a lot for nighttime changes. The overall look is gorgeous, the feel is soft, and bub seems to like it. My child who wears a size 2-3 loved it as well, and has been asking to wear it around the house a bit lately. A win for mum and bubs!
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