Mummy Confession: I miss my American friends and family all the time. And occasionally a few other things about my “home” country. I was a teenager when I first visited what I now call home. I had no clue that the metric system would be an integral part of my future. I scoffed at science and math problems that had me calculate train collisions using meters per second speeds. Though, let me be honest, no one actually thinks in metres (yes, spelling!) per second here (or no one I have met thus far). My story of how I came to Read More
Tag: Alone
The window: The Only Way Mums Get Anything Done During the Day
Mummy Confession: I hate that dreaded time window. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links by which I earn commissions from qualifying purchases. We all know it exists. The window. That humble reprieve amidst the day’s routine. That time of completely uninterrupted accomplishment. Progression without interference. You know, those precious ten minutes after the kids fall asleep (because before that, you need to tiptoe around, hoping not to awaken the tiny monsters). You can finally breathe and reconstruct your thoughts. The specific number of windows and amounts of time for accomplishment differ even day to day, and it is up to you Read More
I just want to be alone. And together: The Reality of Mum Guilt
Mummy Confession: I like to get out of the house alone. Or with someone who knows how to wipe their own butt as a minimum requirement… ….but when I do, I’m stressing about something BECA– USE I am alone. I’m sorry to whoever celebrates potty training like it is an absolutely astronomical milestone, because I disagree. It is a big milestone, yes, but the truly humongous one comes when your child can use the toilet completely unassisted, and remembers to wash their hands (this last part is very important…especially when they insist “but they didn’t touch the toilet, so they Read More