Mummy Confession: I often refer to motherhood and parenthood as something “bittersweet.” Sometimes it seems more one way than the other, but it’s always been that touch of both for me personally. These are my thoughts on the matter, do you feel the same? Being a mum is bittersweet. (Being a parent, really) We love watching them grow and seeing what they become and how they learn, but at the same time we wish they would stay little forever. We wish they would love snuggles and kisses and enjoy our company every single day, and give those random hugs and Read More
Tag: mum guilt
I lost whatever “it” is
Mummy Confession: I have lost my cool several times this week. It is something I am not proud to admit. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I am an Amazon associate which means I earn fees from qualifying purchases. Screaming. Crying. Yelling. More crying. Explosions of all sorts have happened this week, and we have had to wash half of our couch cushions as a result. This is all courtesy of my youngest, who thought we could use some redecorating. Thanks kid. What a week it has been, indeed. I am not happy to say that amidst the crazy circus Read More
I kept the kids alive
Mummy Confession: Some days I do nothing all day. ….ok, except keep the kids alive…and referee their sibling matches. Today, for instance. So far, I’ve held the child who will simply not be put down. I know I will have mothers saying you can put the baby in some sort of contraption to carry them with you, leaving your hands free to accomplish all your heart desires. He will have none of that. Only my arms will do. You know what? I have to be alright with that these days. And though sometimes it frustrates me to no end when Read More
I just want to be alone. And together: The Reality of Mum Guilt
Mummy Confession: I like to get out of the house alone. Or with someone who knows how to wipe their own butt as a minimum requirement… ….but when I do, I’m stressing about something BECA– USE I am alone. I’m sorry to whoever celebrates potty training like it is an absolutely astronomical milestone, because I disagree. It is a big milestone, yes, but the truly humongous one comes when your child can use the toilet completely unassisted, and remembers to wash their hands (this last part is very important…especially when they insist “but they didn’t touch the toilet, so they Read More