Mummy Confession: This is my Laundry Room. The never ending vortex of doom. It just keeps piling up. The job that’s never done. And it’s funny. All of the kids are sick now, plus one teething (ie “don’t you dare put me down or leave me alone, and you can forget about an easy sleep.”) and one toilet training (ie. “I’m big and I won’t thoroughly soak my bed linens every night…”). This means the laundry is constantly piling up and never-ending. As a matter of fact, just after waking this morning, my baby coughed quite a bit and then Read More
Tag: Potty training
Potty Training: The Ultimate Test of Patience
Mummy Confession: Even though this is my second time around the toilet training ring, it’s still just as painful as the first time. “Mummy!! I need to poop!” She screams as she runs to the toilet. I’m, of course, in the middle of trying to eat my first meal of the day. Yes, it’s 1:00 PM, but its the first chance I’ve had to sit down. Among the treachery of a teething child and another who has decided today would be the day she would begin using the toilet, it’s a bit hard to get anything done. It seems to be Read More
Toilet Training Essentials
Mummy Confession: I get really frustrated with toilet training. Toilet training/Potty training is the most rewarding and frustrating challenge in toddler life, especially when they insist they can do everything on their own. I’ve compiled a list of essentials that may help you as you enter into this battlefield. And watch your step! For signs that your child may be ready to start toilet training, start by reading here. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. By using generic Neurontin to make a purchase costs nothing more to you but I may make commissions on qualifying sales. This has no effect Read More
I just want to be alone. And together: The Reality of Mum Guilt
Mummy Confession: I like to get out of the house alone. Or with someone who knows how to wipe their own butt as a minimum requirement… ….but when I do, I’m stressing about something BECA– USE I am alone. I’m sorry to whoever celebrates potty training like it is an absolutely astronomical milestone, because I disagree. It is a big milestone, yes, but the truly humongous one comes when your child can use the toilet completely unassisted, and remembers to wash their hands (this last part is very important…especially when they insist “but they didn’t touch the toilet, so they Read More