Mummy Confession: I often refer to motherhood and parenthood as something “bittersweet.” Sometimes it seems more one way than the other, but it’s always been that touch of both for me personally. These are my thoughts on the matter, do you feel the same? Being a mum is bittersweet. (Being a parent, really) We love watching them grow and seeing what they become and how they learn, but at the same time we wish they would stay little forever. We wish they would love snuggles and kisses and enjoy our company every single day, and give those random hugs and Read More
Tag: parenthood
Great Apps for Baby Development: Tracking Milestones and Development
Mummy Confession: When I was a new mum especially, I was always curious to keep up with what skills my baby was developing. I often felt the need to see their progress and keep track of their milestones. Favourite screen time apps for kids? Check them out here Disclosure: This post is not sponsored by any of the following companies or apps and is purely my honest opinion. This post contains affiliate links which means I make a commission on qualifying purchases. See my disclosure policy for details. Now, hear me out, not every baby develops the same skills at Read More
My Picky Child: An Introduction
Mummy Confession: I was an overwhelmingly picky child when I was growing up. Now, I have a daughter who may be more picky than I ever was. Hi, my name is Amanda, and I’m a picky eater. That was probably my mom’s biggest struggle with me growing up-getting me to eat. She tried expanding my variety of foods, and getting me to try new things. I would have none of it. I remember from a very young age, I would even taste things, and after I had my mind set on disliking something, I would refuse to admit I liked it-even Read More
The Common Cold: A Pit of Misery
Mummy Confession: Before kids, my thoughts towards the common cold weren’t much, but after kids, even the common cold is the most vile of things to strike my children. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links by which I earn commissions from qualifying sales. “We can’t make it today. The kids have come down with something.” I used to scoff at those words. I used to think, “Oh come on. It’s just a cold. Sniffles and a little itchy nose.” I take all those thoughts back now as a mum. Both being the one who has kids with a cold and Read More
Potty Training: The Ultimate Test of Patience
Mummy Confession: Even though this is my second time around the toilet training ring, it’s still just as painful as the first time. “Mummy!! I need to poop!” She screams as she runs to the toilet. I’m, of course, in the middle of trying to eat my first meal of the day. Yes, it’s 1:00 PM, but its the first chance I’ve had to sit down. Among the treachery of a teething child and another who has decided today would be the day she would begin using the toilet, it’s a bit hard to get anything done. It seems to be Read More