Mummy Confession: When I was a new mum especially, I was always curious to keep up with what skills my baby was developing. I often felt the need to see their progress and keep track of their milestones. Favourite screen time apps for kids? Check them out here Disclosure: This post is not sponsored by any of the following companies or apps and is purely my honest opinion. This post contains affiliate links which means I make a commission on qualifying purchases. See my disclosure policy for details. Now, hear me out, not every baby develops the same skills at Read More
Tag: best apps for new mums
Screen Time: Our Favourite Entertaining and Educational Apps for Toddlers
Mummy Confession: My kids get way too much screen time most days. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission off of qualifying purchases. See my disclosure policy for details. It wasn’t always this way. As a first time mum, my oldest didn’t interact with much technology until after a good year and a bit. We didn’t need TV, tablets, phones and whatever other gadgets are out there. She was content to play with blocks and cars. Let me tell you though, that all went out the window when my second was born. Desperate for Read More