Must See Baby Products for 2019!

MummyConfession: I absolutely love finding new products, especially innovative ones that will help parents and carers (or make it just a little easier being a parent). Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links by which I earn commissions from qualifying purchases. See my disclosure policy for details. I’ve created a list of products to look out for in 2019 if you are trying to find new and innovative products on the market! Our list from 2018 is here, and are still very innovative products to check, too! And if you love seeing new and innovative products, feel free to join our Read More

Rite Aid Hydrogel Products: A Breastfeeding Must-Have

Mummy Confession: Those first days of breastfeeding we’re always a huge adjustment for me as a mum and my newborn bub, but also for my body. Disclosure: I have received the hydrogel serum from Rite Aid in order to compare it to the hydrogel breast discs that I already know and love. My opinions and recommendations are my own and I wouldn’t recommend something I don’t love. See my full disclosure policy here or why I disclose here. The Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs are available as a part of the Breastfeeding Product Pack over at (and the compact Read More

Thankyou Brand Baby Care Range

Mummy Confession: I love using products that I know have a positive effect not only for me using them, but also for someone else in the world.  Disclosure: The products have been provided in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own and I do not recommend products I don’t love. See my disclosure policy for further details. Thankyou brand is all about products that offer a life-changing impact through food, water, health and sanitation programs around the world. Through your purchase, the Thankyou brand gives 100% of profits to these programs, and you are able to track your Read More

Innovative Products for Mum & Bub!

Mummy Confession: I love love love to find new things. Especially innovative things that have never been thought of before! Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure policy for details. I wanted to compile a list of all the things that I have found this year (some I have had the honour of reviewing, too!) that I think people should look seriously into getting for their little ones!  Now, this was not instigated by any of these companies or brands, and I just want to help get the word out on these products. I think they hold value Read More

Panda Child Carrier: Lightweight for You, Comfortable For Them

Today, my hubs is taking over to do a review on the Panda Child Carrier. I happened upon the Panda Child Carrier when doing some searching for new things in the baby and toddler world, and thought it would be great to share with you! While I’m not much of a hiker, and I don’t do well with too much weight upsetting my balance (see: small people problems). The hubs agreed to do this one and give his input on this new and innovative (and pocket-filled) Carrier for babies (from 7 months old) toddlers up to around 4 years (20kg). Read More